List user instances
This endpoint is used to retrieve a list of all instances associated with the authenticated user.
Query parameters
Include failed instances. Default is False.
Successful Response
The unique identifier of the instance.
The current status of the instance.
The username used to connect to the instance. For example, to connect to the instance via SSH, use: “ssh -i <path/to/private/key> <username>@<ip_address>”.
The SSH port used to connect to the instance.
The names of the SSH keys used to login to the instance.
The IP address of the instance.
The name provided when the instance was created.
The current hourly price of the instance per processor based on its current status.
The configuration used to create the instance.
The creation date and time of the instance.
The volumes attached to the instance.
The operating system used to create the instance.
The email of the user that owns the instance.