Create instances

How to create an instance with the FluidStack API



Decide which configuration and operating system to use

Determine the currently available options:

Retrieve the gpu_type of the desired configuration, and the label of the desired OS template. This label value maps to the operating_system_label value when you create the instance.


Create the instance

Call the Create a new instance endpoint to deploy an instance.


You must provide your own API key in the header of the request.

The following values are required in the JSON body of your request:

  • thegpu_type (Select an option from the gpu_model field of your desired Configuration.)
  • the ssh_key_name from an SSH key added to your FluidStack account

These values are optional:

  • a custom name for the instance (Default: a randomized string)
  • gpu_count (Default: 1)
  • operating_system_label (Select an option from the label field of your desired Operating Systems. Default: ubuntu_20_04_lts_nvidia)

Confirm instance creation

If the instance is successfully created, the endpoint will respond with a status code of 202. The response body should contain a JSON object similar to this:

For further details, see the API Reference.

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